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The AOP Alliance Claim
Most of the people here do not believe in the perfect system. We think
that a system is always suited to a given problem and environment (it
does not necesseraly fit the other one). This is exactly the case for
the AOP tools that we may use within complex environments such as
J2EE. Depending on the faced problem, it would be useful to have a
specific implementation of AOP.
There are already a lot of specific implementations of AOP or
AOP-related techniques such as generic proxies, interceptors, or
bytecode translators. For instance, among others:
- AspectJ: an AO source-level (and bytecode-level) weaver. New Language.
- AspectWerkz: an AO framework (bytecode-level dynamic
weaver+configuration in XML).
- BCEL: a bytecode translator.
- JAC: an AO middleware (bytecode-level dynamic weaver+configuration+aspects). Framework.
- Javassist: a bytecode translator with a high-level API.
- JBoss-AOP: interception and metadata-based AO framework (running
on JBoss application sever + a standalone version).
- JMangler: a bytecode translator with a composition framework for translations.
- Nanning: an AO weaver (framework).
- Prose: an AO bytecode-level dynamic weaver (framework).
To us, these implementations reflect that there is no good or bad
implementations, but implementations suited to some
So, the AOP Alliance goal is neither to come with a new AOP model, nor
to provide a great AOP implementation that will work for all the cases
or on a given J2EE application server. The AOP Alliance goal is rather
to enable all the exisiting implementations to speak the same core
language in order to:
- avoid re-building of existing AOP components by reusing them,
- simplify the adaptation of existing AOP components for a given
target environment (typically a J2EE environment),
- simplify the aspects reusing by having a common root AOP API.
- simplify the implementation of development tools that whish to
integrate AOP features.
Next: Aspect-Oriented Architectures
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Renaud Pawlak